martedì 24 giugno 2008

Le "Carte" di Phil

Phil Gilbert, president di Lombardi Software, come promesso durante il Driven 2008, ha ScreenShot017 iniziato a pubblicare una serie di post (7) sulla governance di progetti BPM. Phil le definisce le "carte dei diritti e dei doveri" .

In inglese Charter significa: "a document incorporating an institution and specifying its rights; includes the articles of incorporation and the certificate of incorporation"

Le carte che verrano pubblicate saranno:

  • Charter for BPM democracy (access, visibility, dialog)
  • Charter for BPM budget transparency: top down, bottom up, peer review - ex ante, ex post
  • Charter for BPM “conflict situations” (BPM and SOA, interface definition)
  • Charter for BPM investment (maintaining the infrastructure, upgrading, maintenance)

Per accedere ai post di Phil cliccate qui

Per accedere al primo post (On BPM Governance) cliccate qui

Per accedere al secondo post (The five charters of BPM Governance) cliccate   qui

lunedì 23 giugno 2008

Lesson learned...

Dal Driven 2008, Toby Cappello ha voluto condividere le 10 lezioni apprese sul BPM nei suoi anni di attività come responsabile del professional service in LombardiScreenShot014 :

  1. Remember metrics - think about them early - don’t undervalue reports
  2. Don’t underestimate integrations and what it will take to do them
  3. Phase is not a four letter word - “one and done” is not okay
  4. Requirements documents are not process analysis - leverage process analysis skills early
  5. A project longer than 90 days is not a failure - some processes are too complex for just 90 days
  6. Java (.NET) developers are not ALL you need
  7. Self-sufficiency requires dedication and commitment
  8. Fund to Value - funding should reflect that the long term goal is to go from projects to programs to culture
  9. Collaboration between business & IT is vital - playbacks, playbacks, playbacks
  10. Ownership - Processes are business-owned

Per leggere un riassunto della presentazione cliccate qui oppure qui per la cronaca di Sandy Kemsley.

giovedì 19 giugno 2008

Posizionamento Teamworks e Blueprint

Dalle parole del "papà" di Teamworks e Blueprint, Phil Gilbert durante la sua presentazione al Driven 2008 a Austin::

Teamworks is positioned as a platform for BPM execution:ScreenShot130

  • Multiple authors working together on dozens of simultaneous process applications
  • A new paradigm for source control and deployment
  • Built for the implications of massive asset re-use

ScreenShot126Blueprint is positioned as a platform for BPM communication:

  • Creating a culture of process information
  • Rich analysis and diagramming for experts
  • Rich documentation for authors and readers alike  

Webinar il 25 giugno

Il 25 giugno prossimo Lombardi terrà un webinar dal titolo:


Il Webinar si propone di rispondere alle 3 domande base:ScreenShot006

  • Typical Problems – What are some common challenges companies typically face that can be solved by BPM?
  • What BPM Is and Is Not – It's not just modeling. It's more than just workflow. It's not just another IT data integration technology. It's a new way of operating your business.
  • Value of BPM - What key capabilities are you missing today that BPM will deliver?
  • Per partecipare cliccate qui.

    Dal DRIVEN 2008

    Rod Favaron, presidente di Lombardi Software, all'apertura del meeting annuale ha presentato i "numeri" di Lombardi, eccoli: ScreenShot007

    • Lombardi now has 225 Teamworks customers
    • There are now over 3,000 Blueprint accounts
    • Lombardi has a corporate presence in 24 countries
    • Blueprint is now being used in more than 95 countries
    • And Lombardi now has over 50 partners worldwide

    Per vedere anche alcune foto visitate il blog Lombardi qui. ScreenShot010

    mercoledì 18 giugno 2008

    WELLS FARGO riceve un premio per BPM

    ScreenShot004Wells Fargo è stata premiata tra le aziende che hanno creato nuovo business attraverso l'innovazione e la tecnologia.

    Il premio è organizzato annualmente dalla rivista CIO ed è ScreenShot003denominato " 2008 CIO100 Awards"

    La motivazione è la seguente.

    ""Wells Fargo Financial used Business Process Management (utilizzando Teamworks di Lombardi)  along with agile software development to reduce the time required to redesign its new-dealer setup process and redeploy it back into production from more than a year to less than one month. The process-focused, iterative development approach reduced the amount of code Wells Fargo  needed to develop and maintain it also provides a better framework to ensure that business users and IT are on the same page. Increasing the role of the business analyst in the development process was a crucial aspect of WFF's success""

    Per scaricare il case study di Wells Fargo, appena pubblicato da Finalcial-i,  cliccate qui.ScreenShot005

    Nel case study l'intervistato (Gene Rawls, CEO di Wells Fargo Financial) dice:

    "Suddenly we have all this performance data out of using the software.
    Even though it’s still paper, it’s all tracked through the BPM and we
    know workload and work volumes"

    Per seguire in diretta il DRIVEN 2008

    Sandy Kemsley è al Lombardi Driven 2008 e pubblScreenShot001ica la cronaca del meeting in diretta.

    Per seguire il meeting cliccare qui.

    martedì 17 giugno 2008

    Nuova versione di Blueprint

    Riprendo dal blog di Lombardi l'annuncio della nuova versione di Blueprint (vi ricordo che si può iniziare ad utilizzare gratis Blueprint registrandosi qui):

    ""Today I’m proud to announce the availability of the Summer ‘08 release of Blueprint! In the Spring ‘08 release, we delivered what we feel is the best process diagramming tool on the market, online or off. Over the last two months we’ve focused on improving the “other half” of process documentation — the standards and procedures, narratives, and data that make up the details that live behind the picture of the process. Let’s take a look at the improvements in depth:

    • Rich Wiki Editing Of Process Documentation: Blueprint now provides a rich, wiki-style experience for filling out the details of your process. You can link to external documents, embed images, and format your documentation any way you please. Already have something written up in Microsoft Word? No problem. Just paste it in and we’ll leverage what you’ve already done.

    • Printable Documentation View: Once you’ve gotten all of your standard procedures entered into Blueprint, you need to be able to effectively leverage them. You can now generate an attractive printed version of your documentation with a click of the “print” button.
    • Improved Process Details: We’ve take the process details pop up windows and completely revamped them to improve their usability. We think you’ll find them much easier to both edit and use to present your content. And they look great too!
    • Process Data Export to Excel: Once you’ve entered your data into Blueprint, it’s important to be able to leverage it in any way you see fit. Now you can export your process data in a tabular format to Excel so you can slice and dice it, create PivotTables, or just share it with your friends in the finance department.
    • Improved Diagram Layout: In the past, we wasted countless hours in Visio making sure our boxes and lines were all straight on our process diagrams. With Blueprint all of that tedious layout work is handled for us automatically. In this release, we’ve made some tweaks here and there to make your diagrams look better than ever.

    We’re constantly working to improve Blueprint. Try out the new release and send us some feedback. Your input helps us shape our future releases and enables us to build the best tool possible for your needs. And if you don’t already have an account, make sure you sign up today!""

    lunedì 16 giugno 2008

    Virtual conference on BPM

    Il 18 giugno è organizzata da eBiz una Virtual Conference sul BPM.
    Qui i dettagli su come fare per partecipare.

    lunedì 9 giugno 2008

    BPM news n.4

    E' in spedizione il n.4 del bollettino BPM News. Lo potete vedere nella barra sinistra.
    Ed ecco i contenuti dei numeri pubblicati ad oggi.

    Grossi cambiamenti in BEA

    Dal blog The Register:

    "BEA Systems' AquaLogic service oriented architecture (SOA) business, assembled through a multi-million dollar M&A splurge, is being dismantled it seems"

    Si cominciano a vedere gli effetti dell'acquisizione da parte di Oracle.

    Leggete qui il post originale da e qui i commenti di Sandy Kemsley

    giovedì 5 giugno 2008

    Cambiamenti in BEA

    Come indicato nel post di Bruce Silver il direttore marketing del BPM in BEA ha lasciato la sua posizione. Ecco le  parole Di Jesper Joergensen dal suo blog:


    Oracle completed its acquisition of BEA in the beginning of May and I decided to take the opportunity to move on and look for something new after 5 1/2 good years at BEA.

    I am Director of Product Marketing for BEA's Business Process Management products. I have been with BEA since 2003 and have covered product marketing for many of BEA's WebLogic products over the years."

    Sul futuro di BPM in BEA/Oracle

    Interessante post di Bruce Silver sul futuro della suite BPM dopo l'acquisizione di BEA da parte di Oracle.

    Ecco cosa ne pensa Bruce Silver