mercoledì 26 novembre 2008

Lombardi incontra gli analisti

Phil Gilbert e Rod Favaron, rispettivamente presidente/CTO e Chairman/CEO di Lombardi, qualche giorno fa, hanno incontrato gli analisti di settore per fare il punto sulle attività e per dare informazioni sul futuro.

Tra gli altri era presente Sandy Kemsley che ne ha scritto un commento sul suo blog.

Eccone uno stralcio interessante:
"Lombardi continues to grow — 60% in license revenue and 40% overall — although their services business isn’t growing as fast as license sales since they are bringing on more partners to provide services rather than doing it all themselves, especially in geographies that they can’t cover well. They’ve increased their headcount by 25% and increased productivity (which allows them to grow revenues faster than headcount), and are in a profitable state for 2008. They believe that BPM will be counter-cyclical to the current economic crisis, and have the potential to grow in more difficult financial times due to a closer focus on ROI..."

Per leggere il post completo cliccate qui.

Per chi no fosse familiare con l'inglese Countercyclical significa "Moving in the opposite direction of the overall economic cycle"

giovedì 20 novembre 2008

Sulla rivista SAP articolo sul BPM

Il numero di novembre dicembre della rivista degli uScreenShot007tenti SAP Spectrum dedica l'articolo di copertina al BPM. Qui il link.

Buon segno. Anche se il loro prodotto sarà disponibile solo nel 2009, e ovviamente sarà la prima release, stanno affrontando il problema.

venerdì 14 novembre 2008

Il dilemma: con chi parlare di BPM? IT o User

Riprendo integralmente un post di Fahad Osmani, Manager del gruppo BPM Consulting in Lombardi, che contiene delle interessanti osservazioni sulla strategia da adottare quando si parla di BPM in azienda.

"" Like all enterprise software solutions, the person implementing a BPM strategy must contend with a chasm between the business and IT. The two speak different languages, have different priorities and tend to justify results in a different light.

So which side do you approach first?

There’s a tendency for enterprise software to gravitate to IT. And why not? IT gets it, right? They understand the technology and the inherent benefits it brings to the table. And IT is constantly justifying new software, hardware and services through the annual budget reviews. So it seems natural for anyone wishing to see a BPM solution deployed to look at IT first.

I believe this is a mistake.

Despite conventional thinking, the right place to begin conveying the benefits of a BPM deployment is on the business side of the house. That’s because BPM has to be looked at not for the technology, features and specs, but for its ability to change and improve the business.

If you’re implementing a BPM strategy, you have to lead with the person who can ask questions like, “What are all the touch points. How does this affect our business? What is the value we are getting out of this? How do you actually measure the benefits that we are going to get out of this?” These questions and answers are best addressed by the business.

On many occasions, when I have engaged with IT department, I struggled with knowing the business benefits of the BPM deployment. Typically, IT is reacting to a request from the business. And being the IT department within a company they don’t always care what the business benefits are. They have a mandate to fulfill those requests to the best of their ability. So I feel like we can work better with our customers when we engage directly with the business.
Conversely, the business side sometimes has an unnatural understanding of what IT does. Most technical strategies are not for the business to drive and, in fact, by bringing the business to the table as part of these strategies, you bring into effect an unnatural alliance where natural departmental goals are subverted.

I think that part of that is good because they are both trying to talk the same language. And it’s not that IT isn’t talking the business language, it’s that the business is trying to talk the IT language. This can lead to increased communication between the two houses, but under a vision of making each other’s jobs easier, which isn’t really the point. The point is to realize business value and add to the bottom line of the organization.

I still think the business side is the best location to gain advocacy and support. But when you engage with the business, strive for the enterprise level over the department level.

That’s where you’re going to find the people with the broader business goals and ultimately the people who are going to provide approvals and sign the checks. But if that’s not possible, strive for a connection at the higher end departmental level. Get a foothold there and try to showcase some value.
Once the initial process success is achieved, BPM finds the largest welcome mat on multiple departmental doors. The results of a well-executed BPM campaign are far more compelling than a canned demo. And while it’s good to start on the business side when beginning a BPM project, you have to ultimately have both sides working together for success. BPM should unite the two groups. Not just serve as a communications conduit between the two.""

Mi piacerebbe aprire una discussione sull'argomento che reputo fondamentale per chi, come noi, cerca con fatica di portare i concetti BPM tra i propri clienti.

giovedì 13 novembre 2008

Nuovo aggiornamento di Blueprint

Blueprint, il prodotto di BPM discovery collaborativo usato da più di 4000 aziende in più 100 nazioni, è stato nuovamente aggiornato.
Le principali modifiche riguardono:
  • User management: per una migliore e semplificat gestione delgli utenti
  • Invitation: migliorato il meccanismo per invitare colleghi ad utilizzare Blueprint per il discovery di un processo.
  • Printing: miglioramenti sostanziali permettono ora di stampare perfettamente anche grafici di processi molto estesi.
  • Upgrade istantaneo: semplificato il meccanismo per crescere il numero degli utenti e per passaggio dalla versone gratuita e limitatta a quella a pagamento e completa.
  • Word export dor process documentation: possibile ora esportare la documentazione dei processi in formato word (oltra a quella già presente di creare il powerpoint del processo)
Per maggiori informazioni cliccate qui.

Vi segnalo anche che il giorno 19 novembre ci sarà un webinar su come cominciare a documentare un processo con Blueprint, tenuto da Steve Burge di Tillamook County Diary una delle aziende alimentari con una storia di 100 anni.
Cliccate qui per iscrivervi.

lunedì 10 novembre 2008

Versione ottimizzata per iphone

Ho preparato una versione ottimizzata del blog per iphone.
Cliccate qui.

Il link da utilizzare è questo

sabato 8 novembre 2008

Una tesi su BPM e SOA

All'università di Copenaghen è stata discussa una tesi su "Enterprise Agility.

Se volte scaricare il testo completo cliccate qui.

martedì 4 novembre 2008

BPM, SOA e applicazioni IT verso una convergenza virtuosa

Interessante articolo su ComputerWorld sulla convergenza di BPM e SOA
Leggetelo qui