giovedì 19 marzo 2009

Forrester su Blueprint

il 16 febbraio scrivevo:

Forrester ha pubblicato un interessante report su Blueprint di Lombardi, lo strumento oggi più diffuso per il BPM discovery con più di 4500 utenti.

Dal sito di Forrester ecco cosa viene detto nell'execuitve summary.

Lombardi Blueprint Bridges Gap Between Process Discovery And Execution
Austin-based Lombardi Software’s latest offering, Blueprint, positions the vendor to extend its leadership in human-centric business process management (BPM) and takes direct aim at Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Visio as the tools of choice for process analysts. Blueprint provides a process modeling and discovery platform that blends collaboration and documentation capabilities into an easy-to-use, low cost, software-as-a-service offering that can be used by beginner to expert process analysts. To stay ahead of the pack, the platform needs to continue extending its collaborative Web 2.0 functionality as other BPM suite vendors play catch-up by introducing similar offerings. Consider Lombardi Blueprint if you need a collaborative and lightweight process discovery tool that is tailored to support geographically dispersed process discovery teams.

------------->>>>>>>Il report ora è disponibile qui.

Perchè non provare ad utilizzare Blueprint per un mese gratis e controllare quello che Forrester sostiene? Cliccate qui

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