mercoledì 11 marzo 2009

Il DRIVEN di Lombardi sarà online

L'annuale incontro con gli utenti di Lombardi quest'anno si svolgerà online.
Quindi non ci sarà bisogno di volare a Austin, con tutti i costi connessi, ma potremo seguire le sessioni online da casa nostra.
Vi ricordo che durante il Driven 2009 verrà annunciata e rilasciata la versione 7 di Teamworks che conterrà delle novità importantissime.
Iscrivetevi numerosi!!! qui

Un commento dal blog di Barton:

"Next month is our annual customer/partner conference, “Driven.” We knew that times are tough so back in December we surveyed our customers to see what their chances of attending the event were. At that time 75% told us attending would be a possibility. As we haven gotten closer, however, we’ve started getting a bunch of feedback that many companies are now on travel restrictions (read: no travel).

As a result, today we made the decision to change our format to meet the need and are taking the conference online. While we will lose out on the personal interaction that is a big part of Driven we have already heard from a ton of customers this afternoon that this new format will allow more people at their company to participate and get educated on BPM."

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