mercoledì 20 maggio 2009

Blueprint spring release

Ecco le funzioni nuove in questa release:

Process Improvement is Everybody's Business

Our newest update moves Blueprint from being a great modeling tool to being the place for everyone in your organization to go for business improvement conversations. We've leveraged social networking concepts to facilitate the discussion about how each person can make their job better. Everyone can see and be notified about changes that are relevant to their work, discover relationships between what they do and the rest of the organization, and contribute feedback and suggestions to the community.

Product Tour: If you would like a detailed walk-through of the product, check out the 38-minute webinar and Q&A Blueprint Sr. Product Manager Dave Marquard recently conducted introducing Blueprint and the Spring '09 release.

Feature Details: For your reference, here are the details behind Blueprint's latest features:

whats new

  • See Changes and Discover Relationships: Social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn can tell you when a colleague switches jobs or a long lost friend gets married. It's news you wouldn't have heard otherwise, or perhaps even known to ask about. Blueprint now does the same for process in your enterprise. The new Activity Feeds show you changes happening to your processes and helps you discover relationships between what you do and the rest of the company. Now you'll know when something changes two steps upstream from you that will affect your job, or that the person in the next building over does something similar that you leverage.

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  • Involve Every Desktop In Process Improvement: You have core teams of people modeling your processes in the business, but how do you involve the tens, hundreds, or thousands of people that participate in those processes? We've introduced a new "participant" role in Blueprint that allows people at the desk level to reference, review, offer feedback on, and participate in discussions about their work.


  • Share And Control Access To Processes: Once you start involving a larger audience in your process improvement efforts, it becomes essential that you ensure that the right people have access to the right information. To that end, we've added the ability to set access controls for each of your Blueprint projects that allow you to choose to grant full edit privileges, review only access, or no access at all to the appropriate audience. This allows you to keep sensitive information private, or even share a limited set of processes with your customers or vendors. And just like the rest of Blueprint, we've given you this power in an interface that doesn't require a degree in rocket science to understand!

where used

  • Understand Relationships At A Glance: How many times have you been asked, "who is affected if we were to shut this legacy system down tomorrow?" or "who else in the organization depends on the work we do in this process?" Blueprint can now let you answer those questions with a single click. The new Where Used view can show you everywhere a person or system is involved in processes, where your inputs and outputs are used, or even where you see the same risks, problems, and opportunities for improvement.


  • Better Usability And Experience: The Blueprint design team has been listening to your feedback and doing research on ways to make using the product even easier and more productive. To that end, we've redesigned the home page to make it far more personal-Activity Feeds and Favorites put information that's relevant to you at your fingertips. We've studied your navigation patterns and made it easier to get to the view of the process you need with fewer clicks. We've made the Discovery Map better than ever by adding panning, zooming, and printing to PDF just like the Process Diagram. Finally, we developed the participant / read-only view for processes from the ground up to make sure the highest value information is viewable on the screen at all times.

martedì 19 maggio 2009

BLUEPRINT: la spring release è online

La versione di primavera di Blueprint è online.
Provatela gratis qui
Più di 5000 aziende al mondo stanno utilizzando Blueprint per il BPM discovery

Ecco alcuni screenshot:

venerdì 15 maggio 2009

BPM e business rules

Interessante presentazione di James Taylor (qui il suo blog) su come semplificare i processi utilizzando motori di Business Rules.
Using business rules to make processes simpler, smarter and more agile
View more presentations from James Taylor.

Commenti su Teamworks 7

Riprendo dal Blog di Lombardi:

It’s hard to describe how excited we are about the launch of Teamworks 7 at Lombardi. The excitement isn’t just about the big-picture value it will bring - it is about the advancements we have made in this release will make a difference to the people that are building processes in Teamworks day after day. Let me give you a few examples.

We’ve made it easier for authors that are just beginning to use Teamworks. How many times have you installed a new software product that gave you overwhelming numbers of buttons and menu options while providing no insight in how to use it?

The Authoring Environment in Teamworks 7 is redesigned to remove a lot of the noise and early confusion without losing the features that power authors need. You can see this from the completely new skin, simplified menus, and the way that Teamworks automatically organizes your process assets.

In addition, all authors now build their process assets within the context of one process app (project) at a time, which ensures that no one is changing assets that aren’t related to their projects.

There are a considerable number of changes we made to simplify some of the common authoring tasks while matching current best practices within the Teamworks community. For example, we simplified the way that integrations to external systems work by removing the need to create separate integration definition and connector components.

We have also introduced Teamworks Service types, including Human Services, Integration Services, Rule Services, and several others. This helps authors from making modeling mistakes like placing a service intended for human interaction into a system swimlane. We have also enhanced the data mapping capabilities to allow you to change activity implementations without having to redo your input/output data mappings.

We also added a lot of great new features that help new and experienced users alike. Many of these features like back-in-time, toolkits, and automated deployment are highlighted on our website, so please take a look there to see some examples of how these work. Our focus in adding these new features was to make sure that we added them in a way that makes sense for BPM and a model-driven architecture. We didn’t just bolt-on a version control system and tools designed to manage text-based code; we completely rethought how to manage changes to your process model as your processes evolve in a way that preserves the ability to build and iterate quickly.

Many of the features in Teamworks 7 were designed and built by people that have been on implementation teams for BPM projects and understand the challenges that many of you face each day. We think this release marks a major step forward BPM and for the experience of those that build processes every day. Let us know what you think.

Leggete nel link (mark a major step forward BPM) cosa dice Phil Gilbert nel suo blog.

Teamworks 7 in dirittura di arrivo

Come annunciato precedentemente Teamworks7 sta facendo capolino in casa Lombardi.
Sul sito della società si cominciano a trovare le prime informazioni.

Qui troverete 6 filmati che vi permetteranno di cominciare a conoscere le nuove funzionalità.

Qui il link al comunicato stampa.