giovedì 10 dicembre 2009

10 ragioni per gestire i processi

Stanno diventando popolari le "10 list".
Eccone una sulle 10 ragioni per gestire i processi con BPM

10) Actually see the activities required to provide goods or services
9) Identify activities that don't add value to the goods or services
8) Stop performing non value add activities [reduce costs]
7) Identify activities that touch your customer
6) Stop performing activities that are not customer friendly [happy customers]
5) Improve customer relationships [happy customers]
4) Produce more goods or services in less time [increase revenues]
3) Find more time for innovation [increase market share]
2) Create a competitive advantage [increase market share]
1) Increase profits

2 commenti:

  1. I should email my pal about this.

  2. Can anyone recommend the top performing Software Deployment system for a small IT service company like mine? Does anyone use or How do they compare to these guys I found recently: [url=] N-able N-central system monitoring
    [/url] ? What is your best take in cost vs performance among those three? I need a good advice please... Thanks in advance!


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