lunedì 5 marzo 2012

Bruce Silver ancora su Webratio

Bruce Silver, il più noto blogger ed esperto di BPMN e BPM, qui il link al suo seguitissimo blog, ha nuovamente citato in modo molto positivo Webratio.
Sentite cosa dice nel suo post:

"...I have been trying to build something ... for BPMN, i.e. a tool that creates “good BPMN”....I am still working on it, but the only reason this is remotely possible is I am using a tool called WebRatio.  It is a tool explicitly designed to allow Subject Matter Programmers to build database-driven web applications.  I met Marco Brambilla, one of the founders of the company, at a BPMN conference in Lucerne last November.  To demonstrate the tool, the WebRatio guys quickly developed a more robust implementation of my online BPMN validation tools ...."

Non male come citazione: complimenti Webratio!!!

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