Ci rivediamo a fine agosto !!!!
lunedì 27 luglio 2009
martedì 21 luglio 2009
Gartner: la tecnologia può aiutare il mondo finanziario a emergere dal "diluvio"
Da un evento Gartner nei giorni scorsi a Milano
Leggete qui un riassunto del meeting (publicato su eWeekEurope)
lunedì 13 luglio 2009
mercoledì 8 luglio 2009
Butler analizza Teamworks7
Pochi giorni fa la società di analisi inglese Butler Group ha pubblicato un report su Teamworks7
Ecco le conclusioni:
“Teamworks 7 is a full-featured BPM solution, with all the functionality expected of a market-leading solution. It really differentiates itself from its competitors in two distinct areas, one technical and one non-technical. By using a shared-model architecture, Teamworks ensures that the process model is always up to date, regardless of where and when changes to the model are made. Thus, changes to a running process instance can be reflected back to the high-level model. From a non-technical point of view the major focus has been on ensuring ease of use for any and all of the participants of process lifecycle management. This ensures that the people involved in the process are able to help inoptimising the process, which makes far more sense than handing off the task to a ‘process expert’.
Potete scaricare qui una copia del report
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