martedì 27 gennaio 2009

Sull'importanza del POC

Mike Kavis a pubblicato sul sito di BPM institute un bell'articolo con consigli su come scegliere un BPMS.

Riporto il paragrafo relativo al POC:

""....After all of this analysis, your vendor list will hopefully get down to two or three players. Now comes the most critical point of the vendor evaluation: the proof of concept! I recommend a one day on-site POC for each finalist. Give each vendor a week to prepare but not much more. Create a scenario that would be a stretch to complete in a day. Give them a set of use cases to be modeled and require them to integrate with a few of your test services to display some of your data in the POC. Make them start from scratch while you watch. This is the point where the Power Point magic ends and the truth is told. .....""""

Per leggere l'articolo completo cliccate qui.

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